Yesterday, PA stepped into the 195os and offered up some SEPARATE-BUT-(not even quite)-EQUAL Civil Union legislation, to calm gays. Yeeeaaahhh, ’cause we all know that “separate but equal” works… Pissed off, I Twittered and Facebooked to see how my fellow PA people felt about Gay Marriage, and to no...
The speech Senator Diane J. Savino gave, preceding the vote on Marriage Equality in Albany, NY yesterday, sums up America’s current Civil Rights movement beautifully… Damn. 8 votes. 8 votes and Gay and Lesbian couples are still 2nd class citizens in a state that is usually a leader in Civil Rights....
As I talked about in a recent post, N.J. has a very small but very direct window of oprotuniy to grant gay couples equal civil marriage rights. Today Mark Segal, the publisher of PGN (Phiadelphia Gay News), wrote Gov. Corzine an open letter… Dear Gov. Corzine: I hope you don’t...
Garden State Equality release two new commercials that are currently running in New Jersey since Tuesday’s elections… Well, they definitely seem New Jersey-y… What’d you think? For me it’s a reminder that, even though there are a lot of things going on right now (especially in the Philly area), we...
Let’s take a look at some healthy examples the Bible gives as the normal structure of marriage… A marriage between one man and the one virgin woman he decides to rape and make his wife. Or in some cases the dozens of women he rapes and makes his wives. Or...
Seriously though how did that fucking balloon boy get more media attention yesterday than the tens of thousands of GLBTQ that marched in D.C. for equality last Sunday? Really?! Is this a sign that in our Joe-The-Plumber media age, protests just don’t cut it anymore? Do we need to...
Almost a year into Obama’s first term and we still have “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, we still have D.O.M.A., we still have states where it is impossible for gay families to adopt children, we still have hate, and we’ve run out of patience. I understand “change” takes a little...
Click below for a few more photos from Sunday’s OutFest…...
New video of Lady Gaga calling on all her gays to come to D.C. this weekend… Are any of you going to the Million Gay March? Let me know… TTLY, Conrad...