Marriage Equality Defeated In NY State Senate By 8 Votes

The speech Senator Diane J. Savino gave, preceding the vote on Marriage Equality in Albany, NY yesterday, sums up America’s current Civil Rights movement beautifully… Damn. 8 votes. 8 votes and...

The speech Senator Diane J. Savino gave, preceding the vote on Marriage Equality in Albany, NY yesterday, sums up America’s current Civil Rights movement beautifully…

Damn. 8 votes.

8 votes and Gay and Lesbian couples are still 2nd class citizens in a state that is usually a leader in Civil Rights.

8 votes and 1 from Senator Jim Alesi, even though he seems to vote “No” with intense agony over it…

Hopefully the Senate will be able to vote on this again soon. Until then…(?)

TTLY, Conrad
