PA Offers Up Civil Union legislation

Yesterday, PA stepped into the 195os and offered up some SEPARATE-BUT-(not even quite)-EQUAL Civil Union legislation, to calm gays. Yeeeaaahhh, ’cause we all know that “separate but equal” works…...

Yesterday, PA stepped into the 195os and offered up some SEPARATE-BUT-(not even quite)-EQUAL Civil Union legislation, to calm gays. Yeeeaaahhh, ’cause we all know that “separate but equal” works… Pissed off, I Twittered and Facebooked to see how my fellow PA people felt about Gay Marriage, and to no surprise, loads of other people were pissed off too. Here’s what you all said…

Preach Dennis!!

What do you all think? Let me know in the comments…

By the way, you all know you can follow me on Twitter HERE and on Facebook HERE, right?

TTLY, Conrad
