Philthy F1rst Friday Picks

The weather report for First Friday reads beautiful, so that means taking a (short) break from internet tv to go see some art. I plan on starting my night...

The weather report for First Friday reads beautiful, so that means taking a (short) break from internet tv to go see some art. I plan on starting my night at the Portside Parlor and Art Gallery in Old City. I have a hard time leaving Fishtown now that 80 new galleries opened within walking distance of my house, but I’m a sucker for tattoo inspired art.

Of course I’ll rush back with bated breath to the blossoming Frankford Avenue Arts. Get Mugged opens at the Rocket Cat (check out my earlier review), and two doors down Meredith Hoffheins and David Montgomery are showing work at the F&N Gallery, which I’m guessing is the gallery space in the front of Circle of Hope. Part Time Studios is just down the road, on the way to Extra Extra, where I plan on spending a good chunk of my night. They boast a night of performances based around the theme of failure, which sounds universally thought provoking (and I’m hoping will boost my self esteem).

I plan on ending the night at either the Copy Gallery or Little Berlin for my dose of the NCECA conference (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) that is sweeping the city. I’m going to try to do both, especially since I still haven’t seen the Dead Flowers show up at Vox Populi, and Little Berlin is two blocks from my house. Also the geometric print installation by Anne Schaefer at Tiger Strikes Asteroid looks pretty promising.

I know my list is a bit ambitious, but even if I make it to just half of these shows, it will be a promising night.

Portside Parlor and Art Gallery, 30 S. 2nd Street, 19106
Rocket Cat Cafe, 2001 Frankford Ave, 19125
F&N Gallery, 2009 Frankford Ave, 19125
Part Time Studios, 2031 Frankford Ave, 19125
Extra Extra, 2222 Sepviva St, 19125
Little Berlin, 119 W Montgomery St, 19122
Vox Populi, Copy Gallery, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, 319 N 11th St, 19107

TTLY, Andrea
