Garden State Equality release two new commercials that are currently running in New Jersey since Tuesday’s elections…
Well, they definitely seem New Jersey-y… What’d you think?
For me it’s a reminder that, even though there are a lot of things going on right now (especially in the Philly area), we can not forget that millions of gay and lesbian couples across the nation have no rights. Just none… And they are time and time again put into really awkward, often costly and sometimes dangerous situations that straight couples never even have to think twice about.
But, could Gay Marriage happen in New Jersey anytime soon? Actually, YES!! Though there is only a two-month window of opportunity…
“The marriage equality debate sure moves fast and furious these days. Just days after losing a heartbreaking vote in Maine over the issue, all eyes, ears and phone calls to legislators are heading to New Jersey, where the state has the tiniest window of opportunity to pass a marriage equality bill that will recognize full civil marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples.
Why is that window so small? Because on Election Day, New Jersey voters gave the boot to their current governor, and marriage equality supporter, Jon Corzine. His replacement, Gov.-Elect Chris Christie, thinks that gay marriage is the devil.” []
Please share this with your friends, co-workers and loved ones and let’s keep reminding everyone that this is something that we need to change. And we need to change NOW… Keep up the pressure!!
TTLY, Conrad