Shirt (obviously), from Print Liberation. I’m (gonna be really positive and say), I’m looking forward to a looooooong fall. TTLY, Conrad...
The Jersey Gardens’ store Against All Odds in Elizabeth, NJ straight up ripped off Print Liberation‘s “F The Economy” tee… Um… F them! So, there phone number is 908-289-9499… If you wanna… Like… Ask for a manager and place a complaint or something… IDK. You all probably won’t do that, but, this...
Rumor has it that Print Liberation is shopping around a new dual pro-gay marriage/ pro-weed tee (rumor above)… Would you all buy this tee? I think it’s mad clever… Good job PL!!! BTW, I guess I should make it clear that this tee is not for sale now. But,...
As I mentioned last week (scroll down), Print Liberation is opening their first store in NoLibs in May!!! THIS is their new commercial. I love these guys. TTLY, Conrad...
Jamie Dillon, Print Liberation, tells Philthy Blog that the new shop should open in Liberties Walk by early May: “Yeah we got a storefront in the piazza under those modernist looking apts… We will definitely be selling shirts and maybe some other stuff too.” Yes! These guys make some of my...
Buy the ‘Rush Limbarf’ tee HERE! Don’t you all think Print Liberation should do a ‘Gay Marriage’ tee!?! If so, let them know in the comments. (They totes read this blog, trust, we talk.) TTLY, Conrad...
Buy it HERE! Philthy Blog <3s Print Liberation 4 life. BTW, since when is Chloe Sevigny modeling for Print Liberation?! See Chloe’s vajane after the jump… (J/K… Who am I, Perez? Lol.) TTLY, Conrad...
New tee from Print Liberation! Buy it HERE. PL has had some of the best political tees this year… I wonder if they’ll do a Gay Marriage tee?! That’d be pretty cool, or whtvr. TTLY, Conrad P.s. Don’t forget 2 share Philthy Blog w/ ur friends, just click here… Share on...
Congrats To Print Liberation Who Were Mentioned On Kanye West’s Blog For Their “Under New Management” Tee Shirt Above (And Who Are Apparently So Super Swamped With Orders Because Of It, They Had To Outsource Some Of The Screen Printing To Another Shop… Damn, Go PL!) Keep Up The Good Work Guys! I...