(Photos via)
As I mentioned yesterday, Louisa and I stumbled onto a homicide scene yesterday afternoon as we walked to drop off our rent checks, to only a few hours later discover that the scene was the site of Sabina Rose O’Donnell’s brutal murder the night before.
All last night and throughout today I have read Facebook updates and Twitter posts about a girl many of you knew well. And while I only spoke to Sabina a few times, I saw her around a lot, just like we all see each other around–I mean, as big a this city is, we all end up going to the same hand-full of places over-and-over again. The few times I did see her she was always bright, smiley, and warm. Just the other day I bumped into her outside the Piazza, and she told me how much she liked my hat… Just the other day. Damn.
Our community is mad small, and I know many of you are hurting right now. My heart goes out to Sabina’s friends and family.
As I’m sure most of you know already, all of tonight’s proceeds from Kung Fu Knecktie’s Nite Train AND Silk City’s Mo Money Mo Problems are going to Sabina’s family… Even as I’m writing this post I’m seeing new updates. A donation box for Sabina’s family will be up at the Roots Picnic on Saturday, as well as a Dance for Sabina at Octo Lounge Saturday night. Locals Only at PYT on Sunday will also be donating their proceeds to Sabina’s family. I’m sure this kind of support will continue, and you all know where to look.
Other action includes this wonderful idea to turn the vacant lot where Sabina was murdered into a rose garden named after her, “The Sabina Rose Gardens.” Help make this happen and discuss HERE.
Be safe. Watch out for each other. Love each other. This is all too short to do anything else.
TTLY, Conrad