photo credit: Yo la Tengo Facebook
I confess that I have not followed Yo La Tengo as much as I should have through their much storied career, but I saw their performance on the Jimmy Fallon show this past week, and I was blown away. The new album “Fade” impresses me just the same. It may be the frolicking melodic guitar and vocals, but mostly, it is the incredible quiet moments such as “Is that enough” with strings and even mellotron-like beginning to “Well You better” and chopping guitar but and with cool vocals reminiscent of Belle and Sebastian. Then, there is “I’ll Be Around”, a gorgeous melodic song built around a nice bass and guitar riff. It’s an atmospheric kind of record with a drone to it, but not an unpleasant drone. You hear the trumpet or trombone on “Cornelia and Jane” and then a guitar riff which complements it. It’s really exciting to hear such greatness from such peacefulness in music. It’s a chilling experience. The bass line is constant and the guitar licks are too. This is a nice later-career album for a respected indie rock band with so many accolades. In fact, I think this is a good first album for someone looking to be introduced to Yo la Tengo. Well, this is a solid album for any rock and roll fan. 8.0 out of 10 stars. Buy it here.
Artist: Yo La Tengo
Album: Fade
Tracks: 1. “Ohm” 2.”Is That Enough” 3. “Well You Better” 4. “Paddle Forward” 5. “Stupid Things” 6. “I’ll Be Around” 7.”Cornelia and Jane” 8. “Two Trains” 9. “The Point of It” 10. “Before We Run”