Once upon a time, I saw a photograph of a nude woman with the imprint of what looked like quarters burned into the prettiest curves in her collar bones. The image made me cry. And I don’t mean quietly, in a socially acceptable way–I mean that I was standing...
Profile: Ultimate Brewing. Brewer: Trevor Fitzgerald Brewer mantra: “Fact: beer is way difficult to make… Reality: fuck facts” The suburbs are a dismal place for a food writer—or really, anyone who has an obsession with food and beer. I don’t want to do this city v. subrubs thing but...
Libation: Blast by Colt45 ABV: 12% Available: April 5th, 2011 We’d like to thank our friends at Colt45/Pabst for this review. As you grow older, there are some things in this world that you just have to do alone. Come Tuesday, you’ll have to do the dishes alone after...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXGYK1eP_wo In case you missed the Super Bowl and subsequent noise made thereafter about it (I wouldn’t necessarily blame you), the social-buying-community-turned-media-giant Groupon aired a Super Bowl commercial that, accordingly to Groupon’s official blog, aimed to “draw attention to cultural tensions created by brands.” We could say, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!...
I love beer and I love Philadelphia—and I’m not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg. I might love Philly because I love beer but I might also love beer because in Philadelphia, beer is king....