Ticket Giveaway: of Montreal at Union Transfer (09/08)

Perhaps you saw our pictorial documenting of Montreal’s last stop at Union Transfer by Erika Reinsel?  Better yet, perhaps you were even there… According to Erika, the evening featured, “a...

Perhaps you saw our pictorial documenting of Montreal’s last stop at Union Transfer by Erika Reinsel?  Better yet, perhaps you were even there… According to Erika, the evening featured, “a number of spectacles including masked angels with overbearing wings, gas-masked dancers in onesies, a wedding party, two poodle-wolf-like creatures boxing in American flag tights, and an Abraham Lincoln Spiderman.”  Well, if that sounds like something you’d like to see, or if you’re just a longtime fan of the Athens-based experimental pop rock collective that hasn’t gotten around to picking up tickets for the show yet, here’s your chance to win a pair of free tickets to the event.  Just go to our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/philthymag/, and leave up a comment on this article and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win two tickets to of Montreal’s show on September 8.  Just make sure to leave your comment by September 6th at 5pm EST.


of Montreal are currently touring behind their 14th full-length of the past 19 years, Innocence Reaches, which dropped earlier this month on Polyvinyl.  The album came to life when of Montreal mainperson Kevin Barnes spent two weeks in a friend’s Parisian studio, spending days being inspired by many of the tried and true existential exercises of the greats, such as explorations of Pere Lachaise and musing over the work of Genet and Cocteau, before retiring to the studio to play with vintage synthesizers and drum machines all night.  Thematically, the album seems to draw largely from Barnes’ recent experience of divorce and the growing fluidity of identities (particularly relating to gender performance) finally recognized by the progressive mainstream.  And while it does feature many of the psychy, glammy, funky sounds they’re best known for, the band take a slight step away from their classic forms and allow themselves to experiment in the realm of today’s most intriguingly intellectual electronic music.  Check out their most recent video for “it’s different for girls” below and comment on our Facebook page for a chance to catch the songs live next Thursday.

Live EventsMusic

During the day Izzy Cihak teaches transgression, subversion, and revolution at Temple University. At night he haunts Philthy's best venues to cover worthwhile acts for Philthy Mag. Morrissey is everything to him and, in their own heads, all of his friends see themselves as Zooey Deschanel.