“When you get to be the lead singer of the greatest all-female, queer Southern Rock DIY band of all-time, you’re excited about it every day,” says Lauren “LG” Gilbert, the mainwoman (and only constant member) behind Thelma and the Sleaze, during a recent phone chat, which just happens to...
“I had the greatest thing in the world that could ever happen to me happen. Elton John somehow came across my new record and called me up and asked if he could play piano on my next record,” Aaron Lee Tasjan tells me, laughing, after asking him if he’s...
There aren’t many better ways to spend February 15th than with a great, pro-tequila, Americana singer/songwriter… And, luckily for us in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, this Friday Nashville-based songstress Elise Davis will be headlining upstairs at World Café Live. Davis is currently touring behind her...
This Monday, August 13th, Sparta (led by At The Drive-In alum Jim Ward) are playing a surprisingly cozy show at Johnny Brenda’s (Sorry, it’s sold out), after taking quite the hiatus (They’ve released a couple of songs in the past year, but their last album remains Threes, released way...
We’ve always been big fans (and we’d like to think “friends”) of Nashville singer/songwriter Tristen Gaspadarek (although usually known simply as “Tristen”). We fell in love with 2011’s Charlatans At The Garden Gate, one of the best Americana albums of the century, and we were equally as charmed with...