My first encounter with David Bazan’s Pedro the Lion came in November of 2002 when he played Washington DC’s The Black Cat, which had recently relocated to a few doors down the street. Pedro the Lion were touring their third LP, Control, a concept album revolving around a businessman...
Alternative pop-rock trio Beach Weather are just about two years into the band’s second go-round, after a five-year hiatus. This time around lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Nick Santino and bassist Reeve Powers (who originally started the band in 2015) are joined by lead guitarist and producer Sean Silverman. ...
Still looking for Valentine’s Day plans? Well, whether you’re all baed up or navigating the chilliest time of year solo, there’s sure to be plenty of love and affection going on at The Fillmore on February 14th courtesy of Sammy Rae & The Friends (The last time they played...
“A lot of fans have been telling us that ‘Waking up Alone / Julia’ is our most moshable song, and, ‘Can we have some more moshable songs?’ I didn’t know that’s what Divine Sweater fans wanted…” says Sean Seaver, lead guitarist and producer for Boston indie pop band...
It’s not often we come across a country singer/songwriter with Spotify playlists filled with the likes of The Cramps, MC5, and Lou Reed… However, that just seems to be how Nashville-based Emily Nenni rolls. “I’m just a huge fan of music, not just country,” she tells me during a...
Summer vibes will be aplenty this Saturday night in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection when sibling-led soul-poppers Lawrence bring their Sounds of Summer Tour to Franklin Music Hall, alongside co-headliners MisterWives and openers Winnetka Bowling League. The NYC eight-piece band are currently touring behind Hotel TV,...
The New York Times has called Kate Bollinger, “an architect of chill vibes,” while NPR characterized her sounds as, “smart, melodic indie pop music,” and KCRW stated that she, “has a prowess for nuanced lyrics and earworm melodies.” The retro-leaning folk pop musician has spent the past year playing...
“I feel like we’re at the peak of ourselves as a band, so I’m excited to get out there and play these songs,” says William Keegan, guitarist and vocalist of SoCal power-poppy garage rockers Together Pangea. The trio released their fifth full-length, DYE, last October on Nettwerk Records, and...
“As a band, we’re not married to a certain kind of music, other than that sound that makes it Petite Amie. We’re really open,” says Isa Dosal, one of two vocalists in Mexico City-based indie pop outfit Petite Amie. Guitarist Carlos Medina (bassist of Little Jesus, who play the...