My first encounter with David Bazan’s Pedro the Lion came in November of 2002 when he played Washington DC’s The Black Cat, which had recently relocated to a few doors down the street. Pedro the Lion were touring their third LP, Control, a concept album revolving around a businessman...
While the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection recently had the pleasure of having lo-fi indie rock phenom Samia open our instantly-legendary boygenius show, those in Boston and New Haven were treated to an opening set from equally amazing Polyvinyl alternative rocker Palehound, whose recently released fourth LP,...
Last month Australian duo Good Morning – who Stereogum characterized as, “Chill and organic indie rock” — announced the re-release of their entire back catalogue (“six records of varying sound and length”) courtesy of Polyvinyl Record Co., slated for May 27th (with pre-order available now). Coinciding with this announcement,...