Last month a new partnership between legendary songwriter and producer Linda Perry and Repost released its first single, “Home,” by British singer/songwriter Frances Lion. The song is a bold folk anthem recorded during lockdown and inspired by Lion’s hometown of Hampshire, England. It was produced by her own brother...
Vancouver’s self-described “genre-blending make-out music-making trio” I M U R recently released music videos for singles “Case of You” and “Sad Girls Club” that resemble Larry Clark and Harmony Korine’s highly stylized explorations of teenage wildlife. So, it’s not surprising that during a recent chat producer/multi-instrumentalist Amine Bouzaher tells...
We’ve always been big fans of “sister acts” here at PHILTHY and there’s none that we’re more excited about at the moment than World-Folk duo Rising Appalachia, led by sisters Chloe Smith and Leah Song. The band have been making music for more than a decade and are currently...
We’ve gotten to know Providence dream pop trio Arc Iris pretty well over the past few years. We first fell in love with their 2016 LP, which I characterized as “A quirkily poignant postmodern electro cabaret,” and have thoroughly enjoyed several stops they’ve made in the City of Brotherly...