(F1RST) FRIDAY ————>
INTRODUCING KUJO LYNX: A taxidermist for the fiber optic generation @ Bambi Gallery, 6PM-10PM
You may remember Kujo Lynx (aka Katia Elia) from our F1rst Friday September interview with her. She’s… Amazing!!
Amazing Baby @ Johnny Brenda’s, 9PM
May be interview these guys. I’m still not sure. Louisa says we are. And. I guess she’s my manager now or something. So… Look forward to an interview with Amazing Baby next week on Philthy Blog?
Crafty Balboa @ The “Midtown Village” (aka The Gayborhood) Fall Fest, 12PM-6PM
AND Cat Flowers will selling their mad awesome hand-sewn lady accessories there!! So check it out. (Read the interview I did with Cat Flowers back in June HERE.)
SUNDAY ————>
Chillax? I don’t know. I’ll be editing the October F1rst Friday video for about 7 hours, and if I can’t do anything, either can you Philadelphia. Either can you…
But yeah, that’s all I got… Let me know what you all are doing this weekend in the comments!!…
TTLY, Conrad