(CLICK photos to see them larger and non-translucent)
Philly Spring Cleanup was this past Saturday, did you all participate? While I completely forgot/didn’t care my friend, photographer and Temple senior Alex Frigoletto, documented her day of service, which her lovely self just sent to me to post on Philthy Blog, with fellow Temple students cleaning and planting flowers along the Schuylkill river trail… Did I just spell Schuylkill right? It doesn’t look right, but I Googled it. Whatever…
By the by, if YOU ever document (photo/video/whatever) anything in Philly you think is esspecially noteworthy, just send it my way and I’ll post it on Philthy Blog: Conrad.Benner[at]Gmail[dot]com
Ok, back to Philly Spring Cleanup day, CLICK BELOW to see tons tons tons more photos from Alex…
TTLY, Conrad