Flashing Back to 2015 with Machineheart (Saturday at Underground Arts)

It’s been quite some time since we caught up with LA-based indie-poppers Machineheart.  We first met frontwoman Stevie Scott in October of 2015, when the band were preparing to...

It’s been quite some time since we caught up with LA-based indie-poppers Machineheart.  We first met frontwoman Stevie Scott in October of 2015, when the band were preparing to hit the road with Smallpools and Phoebe Ryan. At the time the band, whose sound I characterized as “sass pop,” were the darlings of a profound plethora of bloggers (your humble narrator included) and being courted by a number of labels. However, the band felt as though they were being pushed and pulled in all of the wrong directions, largely toward the cheaply popular and inauthentic… So, in the time since, they’ve had a rebirth of sorts.  Machineheart has spent the past two years creating People Change, their debut LP, which finally hit shelves earlier this month.  The album certainly rings of a more mature and richly nuanced band than 2015’s Machineheart.  Their current brand of pop is epically soulful and could easily put them in a position to set up arenas for the likes of Lorde or Florence and the Machine.  However, luckily for you, the band are currently playing much smaller (and less-expensive-to-access) stages.  Tonight, Machineheart kick off a tour opening for You Me At Six and Dreamers, and this Saturday, February 23rd, will bring the tour to our very own Underground Arts.  If you’re planning on coming out to the show, or just have a free Saturday, I would highlight recommend getting there for their 9pm set.  In the meantime, check out their recent video for “Altar.”

Band InterviewsLive EventsMusic

During the day Izzy Cihak teaches transgression, subversion, and revolution at Temple University. At night he haunts Philthy's best venues to cover worthwhile acts for Philthy Mag. Morrissey is everything to him and, in their own heads, all of his friends see themselves as Zooey Deschanel.