Did The Lady Jack Gia’s Cone?

The photo of Lady Gaga above was taken yesterday May 17th, backstage at Rove (an Australian TV show). The photo next to her is of Gia Gaga, taken May 1st at...

The photo of Lady Gaga above was taken yesterday May 17th, backstage at Rove (an Australian TV show). The photo next to her is of Gia Gaga, taken May 1st at the Lady Gaga after party (Stir Lounge, Philadelphia). 

According to Gia Gaga, who has met Lady Gaga several times including at her show in Philly. Lady Gaga’s only fashion advice for her was that her hair cone should be higher. (You can watch my interview with Gia Gaga HERE.)

While Lady Gaga has worn this hair cone before, I just thought it was kinda funny that it made another appearance so soon after meeting Gia Gaga.

GAgagagagagGagagAga. I think I have officially used up all my “Gagas” for the week. Even as a gay man.

TTLY, Conrad
