BRONCHO’s Ryan Lindsey: “I keep an unfocused view on life at times. It allows me to walk straight.”

With their latest album, Bad Behavior, Oklahoma-based indie rockers BRONCHO attempt to comment on the current cultural chaos of American life without necessarily choosing a side… or even an...

With their latest album, Bad Behavior, Oklahoma-based indie rockers BRONCHO attempt to comment on the current cultural chaos of American life without necessarily choosing a side… or even an attitude… The album, released last month on Park the Van Records, blends the swagger of southern rock with the giddiness of glam and the aloofness of ‘90s alternative, and serves as a charmingly goofy commentary on the world in which we’re currently living, seemingly pointing fingers only at those things which are likely to give us a chuckle… which seems to be… well… most things… BRONCHO recently kicked off a batch of US dates and will find themselves headlining Johnny Brenda’s next Thursday, November 8th, and I recently got a chance to chat with guitarist and vocalist Ryan Lindsey about BRONCHO’s latest album and the current state of things.

Izzy Cihak: Not to start with a super huge question but, considering that you’ve been a band for nearly a decade now, what have been some of the personal highlights of BRONCHO for you?

Ryan Lindsey: My personal highlight is when my rent goes through. There’s nothing like being good to go. So being good-ish to go for ten years is something to be proud of.  Sometimes we are great to go. Keep it trending upwards – that’s all we need.

Izzy: So, I know you have a brand-new album, Bad Behavior. How do you feel it compares to previous releases?

Ryan: It was a typical record for us. Nothing was planned but everything got built and everyone was safe in the end.

Izzy: Have you had any favorite reactions to the new material so far?

Ryan: Everyone tells me they love it, so I think it’s a great record. I trust everyone is telling me the truth and I love everyone for being so honest with me.

Izzy: What would you consider to be the album’s most significant influences?  I understand that a lot of it was inspired by the current state of the world, but also how the current state of the world is projected by the media.

Ryan: I keep an unfocused view on life at times. It allows me to walk straight. There’s a lot going on around at times. Blurring that which is around me keeps me going forward.  However, there are times I like to focus on either side of the line. Bad Behavior focuses on both sides with the knowledge of the line splitting straight down the middle. It also focuses on the line.

Izzy: On a related note, is there anything you think is especially important for people to be paying attention to at the moment, or do you think it’s just whatever most impacts themselves and their community?

Ryan: Everyone should take care of themselves. Just like the flight attendant says, “Put your own mask on first before helping others.” But definitely help others!

Izzy: I know you just kicked off a big tour.  Are there any gigs you’re especially excited to play, or just cities you’re especially excited to visit or revisit?

Ryan: I forever love playing Johnny Brenda’s. We have a lot of friends there who we love and it’s also number one on classiest clubs in America.

Izzy: What can we expect of the live show when you play here?

Ryan: You can expect a clean fight. Nothing below the belt. Unless, of course, it’s asked for or warranted. You gotta understand, we are ready to go. If ever there was a time.  All roads lead to JB’s on Nov. 8.

Izzy: These dates take you nearly through the end of the year.  What’s next for you, after they wrap?  What are you hoping and planning for the year’s very end and the first part of 2019?

Ryan: Next year there will be a few international affairs and an escapade, or two, to the west coast. We look forward to all that as well as all the things we don’t know yet!

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During the day Izzy Cihak teaches transgression, subversion, and revolution at Temple University. At night he haunts Philthy's best venues to cover worthwhile acts for Philthy Mag. Morrissey is everything to him and, in their own heads, all of his friends see themselves as Zooey Deschanel.