My Body, Bustin’ it All Out

There is definitely a hyper-sensual quality to My Body’s brand of electro-pop… My Body are Jordan Bagnall and Darren Bridenbeck and they recently released their 6 Wives, EP, a...

There is definitely a hyper-sensual quality to My Body’s brand of electro-pop… My Body are Jordan Bagnall and Darren Bridenbeck and they recently released their 6 Wives, EP, a collection of songs dripping with postmodern sonic eroticism, seeming to draw inspiration from the ‘90s sexiest kinds of R&B, dream pop, and trip-hop.  Well, apparently this should be no surprise.  Last night I got a chance to chat with the two and when I ask how they got together for the band, Jordan laughs and explains, “Well we’ve been dating for close to seven years, so we started doing music together because we would have these other projects that would fizzle out.”  However, there is a hierarchy of sorts within this couple… well, musically speaking, “People come up to me and ask me who my producer is and it’s like, ‘I’m the producer. I do pretty much all of the production and songwriting,’” Jordan explains, while Darren adds, “It’s one of those things where everyone assumes that the girl’s gonna be the one singing and the dude’s the one actually making all the music, so I get all the credit, which is totally not fair because it’s pretty much all Jordan.”

Although their personal relationship is far more established, Jordan and Darren have only been doing My Body since 2012, but they have definitely already enjoyed some of the opportunities it has afforded.  “We really love traveling together.  Travel is the high point of the band,” Jordan tells me.  While they’re not currently on any kind of a “trek,” the Brooklyn duo will be at our very own North Star Bar this Saturday, March 7th.  And apparently we can expect a bit of a show, a lovely and unexpected treat for the beautiful divey Fairmount bar. “We busted it all out this year,” Jordan proclaims, “We have visuals to go along with all the songs.”  Darren adds, “It’s actually been a year of doing AV and video production.”  And when I ask how My Body plan to spend 2015, they tell me that they have both new releases and touring in mind. “We have our EP coming out on vinyl and we’re working on getting our second album done by fall and we’re working on trying to travel,” Jordan tells me, before Darren adds, “We’re really trying to get out to the West Coast.  I especially love traveling to the West Coast because they have really good Mexican food [laughs].”

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During the day Izzy Cihak teaches transgression, subversion, and revolution at Temple University. At night he haunts Philthy's best venues to cover worthwhile acts for Philthy Mag. Morrissey is everything to him and, in their own heads, all of his friends see themselves as Zooey Deschanel.